Showing items from Elastic File System (EFS)

Welcome to AWS Storage Day 2023

The fifth annual AWS Storage Day took place on Aug. 9, 2023 and you can see the replay here. The first AWS Storage Day was hosted in 2019, and this event has grown into an innovation day that we look forward to delivering to you every year. …

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Deploying and running HPC applications on AWS Batch

In this post AWS Professional Services describes how they recommend using AWS Batch and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) managed services for running HPC applications like GROMACS and RELION. Read the Post on the AWS Blog …

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Use cases for Amazon EFS Replication

Organizations in regulated industries are frequently required to maintain a copy of their business-critical file data in another location to meet corporate compliance or disaster recovery (DR) mandates. Furthermore, in highly distributed …

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