Showing items from ParallelCluster

DCV Access Console - a walk thru

Managing remote desktops can be a headache as your organization scales. Keeping track of users, hosts, and session configurations only gets more complex over time. In this video, see how DCV Access Console solves these problems. Andrew …

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Introducing DCV's new Access Console

DCV Access Manager is an exciting new solution that allows companies to provide secure, remote access to graphical workloads more eafor their employees. For companies struggling to scale remote work capabilities while maintaining security, …

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Building sustainable HPC

You could be like Baker Hughes, and reduce your carbon footprint for your HPC cluster by 99%. How? Watch this talk by Francesco Ruffino, one of our global experts on HPC who has a passion for making HPC more efficient - and kinder to the …

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A library of HPC Applications Best Practices on AWS

Want insights on running HPC codes efficiently on AWS? Our HPC specialists compiled their know-how into a new public GitHub repo. Get best practices, templates, scripts and more to optimize your workloads. Read the Post on the AWS Blog …

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