Showing items from ParallelCluster

How to think about Hybrid architectures for HPC

If you’re pondering a a hybrid HPC setup between your on-prem HPC cluster and the cloud, it’s worth exploring how well you understand you local users, daily workflows, and the … rhythm of your environment. Just a few …

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Making scientific software EESSI - and fast

Scientific software is almost defined by it’s complexity. But just because it was hard to write doesn’t mean it should be hard to build and even harder to run well. EESSI is a project that aims to change that by making …

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Creating and tweaking Slurm queues for your clusters

Compute queues are where all the action is on an HPC cluster. In the cloud, you get the chance to customize the queues to match the code you’re going to run on them - which is actually pretty fancy when you think about it. Matt Vaughn …

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Sending Celery tasks to AWS Batch for heavy lifting

Celery is a great distributed task processing system and gets used in websites and enterprise apps everywhere. But sometimes those tasks aren’t little things that can be handled by microservices - they might need some heavy CPU or …

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